As we begin a new year together, I want to invite you to practice connecting the words of your heart to that of your prayers. If you’ve ever wondered how to make your prayer life more real, more honest, and more connected to God, we’ve got something just for you.

For the first 150 days of 2025, we’re releasing daily videos and prayer prompts to help you learn how to Pray the Psalms.

The Psalms aren’t just songs or poetry—they’re raw, honest prayers from people just like us, crying out to God in every kind of situation. Whether they were full of joy, overwhelmed with fear, or walking through deep pain, the writers of the Psalms didn’t hold back. And neither should we.

If you'd like to start your year by journeying with us through the Psalms, let us know! You can sign up by texting PRAY3 to +1 (844) 854-7448 or follow along on YouTube.

Let's begin today with Psalms 1!