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Explore Specialty Groups

Come together with others asking God for a miracle. Whether you need freedom from addiction, healing in your marriage, a miracle in your finances, hope in the pain of losing someone you love, or something else, join with others in a specialty group to find hope and healing.

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Start a Community Group

The best way to find a group is to start one that works for you! A group can start with just a few people.

Community groups offer a place to meet with others, discuss the sermon and build relationships that point each other to Jesus. They are the primary place where we work out the vision of being Real with Ourselves, God and Others. These small groups typically gather weekly for about two hours and can meet just about anywhere.

Now is a great time to get started. Just start by answering one question—who do you want to invite to get real with ourselves, God and others?

Experience what it’s like to be real with ourselves, God and others in an existing community group. You can get connected to a Group Leader right away using the search tool below, and find the community you are looking for. For Specialty Groups, tap here.


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