As we go through our series, 40 Days of Prayer, we have developed some resources to help us walk through it together. Below are resources to help you know how to pray, ways to set reminders to pray, videos, audio walk-throughs, and a place to send in prayer requests. These resources are meant to remove boundaries and help you build your life around prayer.

Bible Reading Plan

Whether you’re striving to make prayer a part of your life consistently or you’re looking to enrich your already-devoted prayer life, this Bible reading plan is for you.

Over the next forty days, you will be encouraged to think more deeply about your relationship with God as we explore what scripture says about the gift of prayer. You will also be reading the Psalms and being guided in using them to inspire your own talks with God.

Get the Bible Reading Plan by opening the Sandals Church App and tapping the “Library” tab at the bottom of the screen to access the Bible reading plan! Available Now. *Make sure the app is up to date to get the study

Daily Prayer

Pray3 is meant to be a simple and easy process for you to join with the church in daily prayer rhythms. By texting ‘pray’ to 1-844-854-7448, you will receive a text prompt each morning, midday, and evening to remind and guide you to pray. We recommend that you allow your practice of prayer to come from a place of genuine love for God and others and a willingness to pray.

Practice Prayer

Prayer is a spiritual discipline. One that is essential to practice as a Christian. We have a series of short videos that walk through the spiritual disciplines featuring our Online Campus Pastor, Alfredo Ramos. Tap/click here to watch the latest episode about prayer, what it is, why it is important, what it does, where to start, and how to practice it.

Prayer Walk Challenge

Embrace the power of prayer and movement with this 40-day challenge designed to transform your prayer life and deepen your connection with God.

For 40 days, we invite you to embark on a journey of prayer and reflection through the simple act of walking.

Prayer Walk: Gratitude for the Journey

Prayer Walk: Forgiveness and Renewal

Prayer Walk: Awe and Wonder

Prayer Walk: Strength and Connection for Individuals Facing Loneliness and Isolation

Prayer Walk: Hope and Strength in Difficulties

Prayer Walk: Releasing Worry and Trusting in God’s Divine Timing

Prayer Walk: Finding Joy in Simplicity

Prayer Walk: Listening to the Inner Voice of God

Get Prayer

Parent Resources

Here are some links to some incredibly helpful outside resources that you and your family can use to comprehensively learn and educate your children—no matter what age—about prayer, how to do it, and how to pray together.

Any Time, Any Place, Any Prayer

This is a perfect book to read aloud to preschoolers to teach them that God has always made a way for His people to talk to Him and that we can talk to Him any time, any place, about anything! There is also a simpler version available in a board book for younger kids!

God Gave Us Prayer

This book—written for preschoolers to young elementary children—models different types of prayer, including adoration, confession, thankfulness, and supplication. This book includes sample prayers to help you and your child begin the practice of prayer together.

How to Pray: A Guide for Young Explorers 

This book—written for 8-11 year-olds—will help your child develop a deeper understanding of prayer and provide a framework for learning how to talk to God every day. It includes practical activities, great illustrations, and stories of answered prayer.

Lectio For Families 

A free devotional app that helps families explore the Bible together through conversation and prayer together.