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ROGO NextGen

An experiential training program specifically designed for Sandals Church staff who have senior leadership potential.

Learn more from our Executive Pastor, Dan Zimbardi

Program Details

We created ROGO NextGen to develop the next generation of senior leadership at Sandals Church. This program is open to staff members who have been invited by our Executive Team.

Throughout the program, our NextGen leaders will:

  • Participate in monthly Home Base meetings with our Executive Pastor
  • Meet monthly with their executive mentor for coaching and feedback
  • Sit in key meetings for learning purposes (ie. Executive Team Meetings, Quarterly Business Reviews)
  • Get hands-on experience by overseeing senior-level projects


  1. Can I apply or is this program only by invitation?
    • ROGO NextGen is only open to people who have been invited by our Executive Team. New members are invited annually.
  2. How long does this program last?
    • The program lasts 12-24 months as some members may stay in for longer or shorter durations.