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Elementary | Get Real Christmas (Week 2)

Angels and Shepherds | Luke 2:8-20

During Week 2, we meet the shepherds and angels as they relay the good news of the newborn Messiah in ChristmUS in Luke 2:8-20. We find that the natural reaction to hearing the gospel is wanting to share it with others.

The One Thing: Christmas is about telling others, not traditions.

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Elementary | Previous Lessons

Get Real Christmas : Week 1 (Dec. 14/15)

Early Childhood | Show and Tell(Week 4)

Happy Birthday Jesus | Luke 1:26-33, 38; 2:1-20

The One Thing: We celebrate Christmas to show everyone that Jesus is special.

What do we do on the day someone is born? We celebrate with a birthday party! So, that’s exactly what we’re going to do for Jesus. It’s time for us to show and tell Jesus how special He is! So,
pull out the hats, cupcakes, party horns, and confetti, and
we will retell the story of Jesus’ birth. Christmas is when we celebrate Jesus’ birthday. We celebrate Christmas to show everyone that Jesus is special. Jesus is special because Jesus is God’s Son.

Early Childhood | Show and Tell (Previous Weeks)

Show and Tell : Week 1 (Nov. 30/Dec. 1)
Show and Tell : Week 2 (Dec. 7/8)
Show and Tell : Week 3 (Dec. 14/15)

Check out our baptism resources for you and your child to navigate their next step in their faith!