Spiritual Rhythms Bless my Everyday Life

Matt Brown Week 6

You are not what you do occasionally. You are what you do consistently. One of the most transformative spiritual practices you can experience is the sabbath - a regular dedicated 24-hour period of rest where you stop working and connect with God. The sabbath was introduced to the nation of Israel in the book of Exodus, and its wisdom is still profound for our world today. What if your lack of being able to rest says more about what your life is truly defined by than you want to admit?

When you consider your weekly rhythms, how often do you practice simply resting? As you assess this, ask God to give you insight into how you practice rest. Does anything need to change? Ask God to show you what real rest could look like and how it might affect the state of your soul.

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Explore the Old Rules for a New Life Series

Over the next 10 weeks, Sandals Church embarks on a journey to reimagine the 10 commandments as the rules and rhythms for a new life that God invites us into as we follow His Son, Jesus Christ. These 10 rules were not the way into a new life but a sign that God’s people were delivered to live a new life. First came deliverance and freedom. Then followed the rules for living, not the other way around.