Helping students to be real with themselves, God and others.

Community Groups
We are offering on campus community groups at all campuses on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm. This is a place where students can listen to a challenging Biblical message and then have a place to talk about their faith immediately after in community groups.

Youth Online
We also have a great online experience for our youth who can’t make it to a physical campus.
You can tune into: move.sc/youth

The Weekend
Youth in middle school and up join the adults in our main services every weekend. Every campus has youth seating sections and lounges so students can connect with each other and our leaders before and after services.
If your youth is not in a community group, we would love to connect them right away. You can email sandalsyouth@sandalschurch.com or text “GROUPS” to 951.327.7672 and we will connect them with the best groups available.
Youth team members have the opportunity to serve on Wednesday nights, building relationships and leading groups of middle school and high school students to help them become real with God, themselves and others. If you would like more info click HERE.
Sandals Church Youth has original messages, vlogs, fun bits, and is a great place for our youth to engage with our church and each other.
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Wednesday Nights
Midweek community groups provide a place for students to feel known, have fun, be honest and cultivate real relationships with God and others. Each campus has a short service, element of fun, biblical teaching via video and then all break out into smaller groups led by our amazing adult volunteers.
These groups happen on Wednesday nights at 6:30 at every Sandals Church campus.

Youth Con
Every year students from across all of our campuses come together at Sandals Church Hunter Park for our annual Youth Conference. The hope for this event is to challenge all of Sandals Youth to grow spiritually, develop lasting relationships and have the opportunity to invite friends to come and join them! We cannot wait to host Youth Con 2023!!! Dates coming soon!

Summer Camp
Sandals Church Youth Summer camp takes place at Forest Home where we get to spend a week in cabins, go to the lake, eat delicious food and shakes and spend a week away from our normal routines to get closer to Jesus. Each night we have a fantastic message, powerful worship and team competitions that bring memories that will last all year long. This week will challenge your faith in all of the best ways and help you grow closer to Jesus. Dates for 2024 are June 22-26th for Middle School and June 26-30th for High School. Visit sandalschurch.com/camp for more information.