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Sandals Church
ROGO Business Forum Content

Each month, one of our ROGO Business Forum Leads develops content to share with
Forum Group Leaders and members to process and discuss in their groups.
The documents below are past content that we hope you find great value in.

The Coffee Bean: 4-Part Series

Part 1:


Part 2:

Seeking Transformation

Part 3:

Positive Influence

Part 4:

Purposeful Living

Past 2024 Business Group Content




People Over Productivity

Noble Purpose Leadership: 4-Part Series

Part 1:


Part 2:

Employee Interactions

Part 3:

Decision Making

Part 4:


Professional Development Event: Frank Teruel


Check out the keynote and Q&A afterward


Refer to Frank’s slides during his keynote


Follow along with speaker notes

Ways our faith impacts our work

Start Stop Continue

Take time to reflect on your priorities

Work-Faith Integration

Integrating my faith into my work

Discernment Paradigm

Where should we join God in His work?

Know what you’re FOR

Know what you’re FOR

Let’s find out!

FOR Others

Know what you’re FOR continued: Others


Know what you’re FOR continued: You

FOR Your Team

Know what you’re FOR continued: Team

A Series about You: Enneagram

A Series about You P1

Using the enneagram as a tool to build, manage and lead your team

A Series about You P2

How does your leadership style impact your staff?

A Series about You P3

Using the enneagram to challenge and encourage

Spiritual Formation

Centering Prayer

Going to God to settle our heart and mind

Prayer of Examen

Where is God working in your life?

Spiritual Discipline in Crisis

5 Spiritual Disciplines to help you lead through crisis

Summary of Spiritual Disciplines

8 Spiritual Practices to challenge and grow